I was very lucky recently to come across a fantastic book on our area entitled “North Country Sketches” by George Neasham and thought I would share its fantastic description of the park only 2 years after its opening:
“What was once all ugliness and barrenness has been, by the expenditure of much money, transformed into a scene of fertile beauty. Those who have been absent from the place will look in vain for the famous *Blue Mountains* of Berry Edge. The heaps of scoria, the unsightly deposits from the town, the remains of the old Tin Mill Pit, all have disappeared, and in their place are serpentine walks and a wealth of shrubs and flowers. The Park faces the Derwent Vale, at an altitude of more than 850 ft. above the level of the sea, and commands a fine and extensive view of the surrounding country.
Below it, and sheltered by its overhanging ridge of hills, lies the flourishing town of Blackhill, where not a house but one, that at Blackfine, existed half a century ago. Immediately opposite, and rising with a gradual ascent, are the Northumberland hills, graced here and there with a variety of woodland. In the far distant north, with their summits seemingly saluting the sky, are the Cheviots ; while westward, as far as the eye can reach, the landscape is bounded by wild and rugged heather-clad hills, from which the pure mountain air is wafted as a deodorizer to the fumes from the gigantic Consett Iron Works. Beneath this chain of mountains the eye discovers the river Derwent winding its way through deep enchanting valleys, whose slopes are decorated with hanging woods and scattered enclosures. It is impossible, indeed, to conceive anything
grander in nature than this diversified view of the Derwent as seen from the new park”
The Park is still a place of beauty and in the last few years has re-emerged as a centre of activity for our area, from music events to family fun days as well as being the home of the Consett & District Heritage Initiative. For more information contact us on cdhi@live.co.uk or drop into The Lodge, Blackhill & Consett Park any Wednesday between 10am-4pm.
Its good to see historical stories about consett covered on this website.
I would love to read and learn more about this…