Plans are in motion to construct a new business park alongside the new Hitachi facility in Newton Aycliffe.

This is just part of the plans laid out after the announcement that Durham County Council were successful in their bid to

hitachi facility
Aycliffe Business Park. Image: Aycliffe Today

receive funding to further develop/begin several sites in the County Durham area, including in Newton Aycliffe near the existing Hitachi facility.

Thanks to the successful bid there are plans to develop an entirely new business park to compliment the Hitachi facility which is a rail manufacturing factory that has been catching headlines for months due to the amount of work it is bringing into the region. Now with the news of another business park and other developments elsewhere it’s thought that thousands more jobs will be available across the north east.

Aside from the site near the Hitachi facility there are a number of other major sites that will benefit from this funding; the North East Technology Park, Sedgefield, received several selections of the funding to expand and improve upon existing infrastructure and a portion of the proposed budget for the Centre for Innovation in Formulation.

Reports also indicate that the construction of a new western road is in the works to help relieve traffic from Durham City, originally proposed for 2016/2017 work should begin shortly after the proposal is given the go ahead by the necessary authorities. Staying with the transport theme, an additional £7.5m was awarded to the local areas sustainable transport plan.

Yet more good news for local businesses to Consett and the surrounding area as well as other more rural areas of the region as the news comes in that several million pounds have been injected into the Rural Growth Network – a project which aims to assist businesses and entrepreneurs in more out-of-the-way locations throughout the north east.

Business Grants for Consett Businesses - Get Up to £4000

Business Grants for Consett Businesses - Get Up to £4000

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Ben Mullen
Ben Mullen is a writer, blogger, youtube guru, and media producer with Firefly New Media UK. Consett Magazine are very proud to have Ben working with Consett's favourite publication.


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