Grass Seeds
In the summer months, injuries caused by grass seeds are a common problem seen at veterinary practices, with dogs with hairy ears and feet being most at risk.
Grass seeds tend to be shaped like little arrowheads which means they can attach onto a pet’s fur and burrow their way into their body, causing all sorts of problems when they do so.
Grass seeds most commonly burrow into the space between a dogs’ toes forming cysts and infections. These are usually very painful and require medical, and sometimes surgical, treatment. Grass seeds can also make their way into your dog’s ears causing infections, and they can even cause damage to the ear drum.
They can also make their way through the skin all over the body, so it’s always best to look out for any new swellings or wounds and see your vet if you’re concerned. It is recommended that you check your pet after walks and remove any vegetation from their coats (and it’s a great time to check for ticks too!) to reduce the risk of them developing any problems.
By Christina Groves
Prince Bishop Veterinary Hospital