Say No to Consett Incinerator
Consett – Past and Present
Who could have envisioned 40 years ago, when the infamous red dust of the steelworks was consigned to the dustbin of industrial heritage, that the beauty of the Derwent Valley would bathe the town of Consett? Who would have believed that such a town would become a secret gem? A beautiful place to live, enveloped by panoramic views, with an abundance of flora and fauna.
A New Threat
Unfortunately, this fabulous return to Consett’s natural beauty is now under threat. Not by the industrialists of the old steel works. There is no return to the sense of pride that the people of Consett had when the steel they produced was used to build beautiful and significant structures across the globe. No, the new concept of industrialisation for Consett is to burn industrial waste.
Burning Industrial Waste
Why would anyone want the remnants and particles of industrial waste soiling the air and contaminating the town? Who would have such a dream for their town? This living nightmare of a prospect is now at the planning stage based on a submission linked to Project Genesis. Project Genesis, a name chosen with Biblical connotations. Their vision for the town of Consett would be a land filled with a new sense of hope to compensate for the closure of the Steelworks. A fair assumption would be that the people involved in such a project would want the very best for the town.
Project Genesis – Their Mission
According to the Charity Commission website, here are the mission statements created by the Project Genesis Trust to ensure the town of Consett rises from the red dust of industrialisation:
“All such objects for the benefit of the district of Derwentside or its inhabitants or otherwise connected with the district of Derwentside as are charitable including (but without detracting from the general nature of the charitable trust) any of the following:
Providing or assisting in the provision of facilities for recreation or other leisure time occupation.
Providing or assisting in the provision of facilities to encourage the study appreciation and enjoyment of the arts (including but not limited to an arts centre).
Encouraging the understanding and appreciation of local history and other matters of historic artistic architectural or scientific interest (including but not limited to providing or assisting in the provision of a heritage centre): and
The conservation protection and improvement of amenity land and its flora and fauna.”
Who could argue with such a bold and bright future envisioned for our town?
Project Genesis – Their REAL MISSION?
Unfortunately, their ambition for the town has been brought into question. Are we getting fabulous new technological businesses? Are we encouraging the high-tech companies that are in abundance across the north east to come to Consett? How about leisure facilities? There are hundreds of new houses on a variety of new housing estates. Are they building new facilities like cinemas, bowling alleys, pubs, and restaurants to ensure the people of the town spend their money in the town? Are they providing new amenities like doctors, dentists, and vets? NO! What is being planned for our town by the Project Genesis, the bastions of the town of Consett’s health and happiness? Their plan for our town – an incinerator.
An Incinerator
In a recent questions and answer session with Delves Lane councillors. Mark Short admitted he had been researching incinerators for 7 years, including visits to Holland. In the meantime, hundreds of houses have been built, where the homeowners have been oblivious to such plans. These residents now face the prospect of having an incinerator as their neighbour. For some residents, this is 300 metres from their houses. Houses they bought in good faith. Houses they would not have bought, if they had known this was the plan for Hownsgill Park.
Clean Air Day Protest
On Clean Air Day, the fabulous people of Consett went to the proposed site for the Consett Incinerator to make a very clear point. We want the air in Consett to stay clean. We SAY NO!
What can YOU do?
There is still time to do something to stop this – join our cause:
- Please watch and share our campaign film:
- Write to planning and quote: DM/20/03267/WAS. We have over 3,000 objections on the portal, and we need even more!
- Join our Facebook Page: Say No to Consett Incinerator , we have over 6,300 members. Find out what to include in your complaint, or sign one of our objection letters at one of the many hubs around Consett.
- Get your children to take part in our Feed the Monster summer activity.
- Sign our petition
- Put up our campaign banners and posters
- Plus, look out for new events coming up. We still have lots planned.
- Go to our website for full details: Say No To Consett Incinerator
We deserve and demand a better and brighter future for Consett – “Say No to Consett Incinerator!”
Follow the money!
Take a look at the Project Genesis board members and their associated contacts to see who will benefit from this monstrosity monetarily.
Tell me ONE good thing Project Genesis has done for our town?
Project Genesis is said to have invested £200 Million into Consett in it’s 28-41 year history.
£200 Million, that’s a lot of money, and what do we have to show for it? Fawcett Park? Cheap Housing Estates built on contaminated land? And now a bloody incinerator?
I will be demanding Genesis project and everyone involved be audited. It’s beyond crooked in my opinion.
Here is a a link for you to look at all the public information on this dubious organisation and their financial information and board members (dont’ worry tho – it;s all public info):