The Nice Bites Café at Leadgate Salvation Army is open every Tuesday during term time, serving from 12 noon.

Clare and Liz who are responsible for cooking the meals, prepare a wonderful three course lunch which is available to everyone at a very competitive price ( 2 courses for only £3.00 and all 3 courses for £4.00).

Clare and Liz shop every Monday for fresh food ready to create their delicious recipes.

One of the favourites is chunky vegetable soup which is all hand prepared.

Clare and Liz peel and chop a mountain of vegetables for this and the main course, explaining that although it is hard work,

‘We enjoy doing it, and we get to meet lovely people each week’

Leadgate Salvation Army ran a Tuesday café for a number of years but like many other establishments had to close because of COVID restrictions.

Liz, as spokesperson for the facility said,

‘As soon as we were able to re-open safely, we did so, starting with a takeaway service only.’

Through word of mouth and the power of Facebook the Tuesday café has become very popular with local residents.

It now offers a dine in option as well as a takeaway, as diners can sit and chat while enjoying complimentary orange juice or tea/coffee afterwards.

A small band of helpers set the tables, take orders, tidy up and wash dishes so the service all goes smoothly.

To top this, they offer a free delivery each week to Haven House a retirement housing complex and The Haven bungalows.

This is a fantastic service by local people working for their community for the benefit of all.

Regular customers enjoy the flexibility of dine in or takeaway and if you wish to sample this wonderful fayre, you can be assured you will be given an extremely warm welcome as well as a delicious home cooked value for money hot meal.

Why not try it and see!

Leadgate Salvation Army are on Facebook, view the menus there.


The Salvation Army Leadgate

Green Street, Leadgate

DH8 7PU Consett

Durham England

01207 501790

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