In a heartwarming display of community spirit and dedication, Mrs. Brown, also known by his real name Brian Lewins of Leadgate, has remarkably raised over £17,000 in support of Alzheimer’s research and care.

This commendable feat stands as a testament to the generosity and solidarity of the people of Consett, who have come together to support a cause that affects so many families across the UK and the globe.

Brian Lewins, through his charitable activities, has not only raised an impressive sum but also heightened awareness about Alzheimer’s disease, fostering a stronger sense of community engagement and support. His efforts demonstrate the profound impact that individual initiative, combined with communal support, can have on advancing research and providing care for those affected by this challenging condition.

The people of Consett have shown immense support for Lewins’ cause, contributing generously to the fundraising efforts. This collective action underscores the community’s commitment to making a difference in the lives of those living with Alzheimer’s and their families.

We extend our deepest gratitude to Brian Lewins and all those who have donated to this noble cause. Your kindness and support contribute significantly to the ongoing fight against Alzheimer’s, offering hope and assistance to those in need. Let’s continue to stand together, Consett, in support of such worthy causes, demonstrating the strength and compassion of our community.

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  1. My Wife told me about Mrs Brown he/she is amazing and what an amazing sum raised well done your a feckin star Mrs Brown.


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