How deep is the snow in your neck of the wood
I’m frightened to look, do you think I should
I can hear the sound of shovel and grit
Perhaps I’ll peek just a little bit
I draw back the curtain and oh what a fright
The whole world is covered in a blanket of white
It’s quite a shock, a sight to behold
Since the forecaster made no mention of cold.
Gone are the paths, the roads and what’s more
Gone are the steps up to my door
Gone are the cars, street parked in pairs
Now reminiscent of large polar bears.
No buses are running, no one is at work
Let’s hope the gritters don’t take such a perk
It’s unlikely we’ll see a plough down our way
No matter how hard we hope and we pray.
We’ll be left to clear snow all by ourselves.
I’m desperate for groceries from Tesco down Delv
It’s back breaking work but I have no choice
Since Derwentside went, we have no voice. . .
School closures abound fill children with glee
No studies for them what will it be
Sledging or snowballing or common sense will they see
And stay in the warm with their hand held P C.
Being snow bound like this is such a bore
It drives one to drink and to eat more and more
Food offers such comfort like ice cream and jelly
Then get out the chocolates and switch on the telly.
Snow flakes keep falling from the dull pregnant sky
So silent and graceful they float down to lie
Creating a picture so bright and so clean
One can only wonder at this magical scene.
It conjures up thoughts of good old St Nick
Of carols and cards with greetings so slick
But surely it will melt and disappear soon
Since after all it’s the middle of June.