In this section, we bring quick and snappy reviews of the best new websites, music, movies and apps. Keep an eye out each month for the latest and greatest reviews.


Music – Maroon 5 – Overexposed:

The Los Angeles based band’s fifth studio album has moved away from the funk inspired songs of their earlier releases and set their sights squarely on the mainstream. Like the UK number one “Payphone”, Overexposed sees some catchy hooks and an arena attitude towards Adam Levine’s vocals but the album seems to lack identity as many of the songs are missing a running theme to tie them together. Overall, an easy listen with a good selection of tracks for everyone.



Games -Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater HD:

It’s been 13 years since the release of the original Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater and like many old titles, it has been given the HD treatment for re-release on Xbox 360 then later on Playstation 3, and PC. The new reworked graphics look sharp, reimagining the original game in an up to date style whilst the control method will be familiar to anyone who played the original games.  One criticism is the lack of a few music tracks from the original games but you can’t complain with the great music used in its place. Definitely worth a place in everyone’s game collection.



DVD/Blu-ray – We Bought a Zoo (PG)

Recently released on DVD and Blu-ray, We Bought a Zoo is a fun family film which will tug on your heart strings. Based on a true story, this touching film is about a handsome widower and his two children when he buys a derelict zoo. With a sweet plot involving a sick tiger and the romantic development between Mee (Damon) and Kelly (Johansson), this film has something to keep the kids and the parents interested in this heart warming tale. A great film for the whole of the family.



App: Dead Trigger – iOS and Android

Dead Trigger is a great game available for both Android and iOS users on mobile devices and tablets. The first person shooter genre has been attempted on touch screen devices but hasn’t managed to create a control system which works as well as a games console controller. Dead Trigger does its best to overcome this with a quick game style and ergonomic controls which allows a great mobile gaming experience. As shooters go, this zombie filled romp is fun, fast and easy to pick up which makes it a perfect app for your mobile phone and at only 69p from the App Store it’s a great deal.



Technology: OUYA Console – Up and Coming

Making the technology news in the past month has been the highly anticipated OUYA games console. Posted on the public investment site Kickstarter, the concept had generated over $5,000,000 in investment in less than 10 days on the site. Running the Android 4.0 operating system, the console is designed to be hacked and modified with an emphasis on community development of games and software. With a price around £63, this could change the way we look at console gaming. Keep an eye out for more developments in the near future.



Film – The Dark Knight Rises – (12A)

The third and final film of the new Batman trilogy has been highly anticipated with constant hype surrounding this action packed finale. This film sees the return of caped crusader (Bale) and his feline sidekick Catwoman (Hathaway) as the evil Bane is out to take over Gotham City.  Confronting major issues, this film is dark, moody and filled with thrills. At almost 3 hours long, the film is somewhat swollen and the score often overpowers the dialogue making it hard to hear important details. But for all its shortcomings, The Dark Knight Rises is an action packed film capable of standing up to the recently released Spiderman movie.



Internet – The Next Soundcloud – Up and coming

Soundcloud has become the industry standard online service for artists and DJ’s to share their music to a wide audience of fans. Soundcloud have just revealed the new and improved service which will be going live in the coming weeks. With a new, attractive layout which makes your music, photos, sets and information the key aspect of your page and an up to date tracker showing you what your friends and followers are getting up to it’s never been so easy. If you are musician or just a fan, you can get yourself a basic Soundcloud account for absolutely nothing so why not give it a go and see what it can do for your music.

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Chris Brown
Christopher Brown is Consett Magazine's lead journalist. Chris enjoys meeting with a whole host of different people to report on what's happening in Consett, Co.Durham.


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